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Resources & News

A collection of resources, branding & website tips, case studies, fun illustrations, and anything about social media and strategies to grow your business online, etc. Stay tuned!

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Color Palette #5

Color Palette #5

Loving this mix of warm and cold shades.
As the summer started here in the US, I thought about our camping plans for the spring that had to be postponed due to what-must-not-be-pronounced. Maybe on fall through…

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Fibonacci & Graphic Design

Fibonacci & Graphic Design

Have you ever secretly wondered, what’s so great about the Mona Lisa? The answer is the Golden Ratio. In this post, we’ll learn the relation between the Italian mathematician and graphic design.

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Geek Natural Branding

Geek Natural Branding

Watch me build a brand for Geek Natural, a new blog about urban and sustainable farming. In this time-lapse, you’ll see my step-by-step logo design process on a real-case scenario.

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Color Palette #3

Color Palette #3

Our color palette of the week it’s featuring bright 80s inspired neon colors in a retro-futuristic scene. 👉 Swipe to see it in action.

We were supposed to travel to California and road trip from San Francisco to LA this past March, but… you know what happened, right.

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Creating Your StoryBrand

Creating Your StoryBrand

In a story, audiences must always know: who the hero is, what the hero wants, who the hero has to defeat, what tragic thing will happen if the hero doesn’t win and what wonderful thing will happen if they do. Let’s look at how this framework plays out in a familiar story.

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