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As technology continues to transform the world, businesses have been forced to invest heavily on their online presence. That’s why you will find every company, large and small, spending thousands of dollars on websites and social media platforms. Sadly, some of these online investments end up being useless and fruitless. So, even as you think about creating a website for your business, it is important to ask yourself if it is really necessary. This will help you save time and money that you can spend on other more productive undertakings.

Here are some of the instances when you do not need a website.

Everybody Else Has It

Don’t spend all your money on expensive website design just because everyone else in your area of specialization has a website. It is always important to consider the reasons why you believe having a website will improve your business. Remember, this is an undertaking in which you need to invest a great deal of your time and money. Therefore, take your time to reflect on the available options.


In Urgent Need of Customers

While a website improves your visibility, it is not a guarantee that you will automatically attract visitors who can be converted to loyal customers. It takes more than just creating an attractive website to make sales online. You will need to come up with an effective marketing strategy to promote the site and attract visitors. Therefore, it might take you several months before you make your first sale online.


Not Where Your Customers Are

There are some businesses, such as photography, bakery, etc. that do not need a website to make sales. Most of their clients can easily be found on other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, blogs among others. So, before you rush to develop a website, ask yourself if there are other more effective platforms where you can find potential clients without a hassle. The good thing about these social networking sites is that you do not need to spend a dime to make a sale. You just need to be consistent and methodical in your engagement.


Don’t Know Your Business Goal

What’s the objective of creating a website? If you do not have a clear business goal that you want to achieve, then having the most appealing website will be meaningless. Define your objectives clearly and devise ways to use your website to achieve them. Otherwise, you should put your desire to own a website on hold until you come up with a proper plan.


Not Sure Who Your Target Audience

The main reason for creating a website is to make your business visible to your target customers. And for you to know who to target, you have to understand your customer needs. Once you have a clear picture of who you want to target, it will be very easy to create a website that meets their specific needs.

Want to see more?

Take a look at my portfolio:

Branding + Print

Websites + Social Media

Outdoor + Merch

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